Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Student/Parent Book Group

Well, tonight was our last Parent/student book group of the year. We have had such a good time with this group. Parents and students read the book together at home, then come in and discuss it one evening. Our books this year were: How the Eat Fried Worms, Swindle, Everything on a Waffle, Among the Hidden, The Kid Who Ran for President and the Penderwicks.

Currently I am entertaining lots of ideas for next year's six books. Our first one will be No More Dead Dogs by Gordon Korman. After that - I am open for suggestions!!!!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Books I Remember From My Childhood

This is a blog for me and my students to share our feelings and memories about great books. We will talk about different books that are available at our library and I welcome you to respond to any of the posts. Remember: reading is personal. You do not have to love everything that everyone else loves. do have to be respectful when responding to a post.


I was never interested in reading until my third grade teacher blew me away with her great selections of read alouds. Since then, I have LOVE to read - and to this day I still love children's books the most. Some of those great read alouds that come to mind for my third great year are:

Ramona the Pest by Beverly Cleary
Ramona is by far my favorite book character of all time. She is quirky, real and truly a pest!!! but she really means well! In this book she enters Kindergarten and we follow her adventures as she experiences a world beyond being home with Mom all day. I fell for Ramona - she is just trying to survive and is most times very misunderstood. Read this book for some great adventures with Ramona, her Kindergarten classmates and her older sister Beezus.

The Mouse and the Motorcycle (also by Beverly Cleary)
I found this books so exciting! It is a sweet story that develops between a shy, bored boy on vacation and a very misunderstood mouse. There is a point in the book when the boy gets sick and Ralph (the mouse) has to find an aspirin and transport it to the 2nd floor in order for the boy's fever to go down. Riviting stuff for a third grader. Hope you enjoy it.

Read more about Beverly Cleary and Her books at:

The "Little House" series by Laura Ingalls Wilder. Oh how I love Laura and her sisters Mary and Carrie and Ma and PA. This series takes you through Laura's life as the family moves further and further west in pioneer days. I learned so much about simpler times, family relationships and pioneer hardships from this series. I was IN LOVE with Laura and her family and probably read this series 10 times.

I hope that some book, some time, will grab you for the first time and transport you into the world of reading forever. If so - please respond to this blog with some of your favorites!